Alfred: Tryhackme: OSCP_Day-2

As The first day of OSCP Preparation, I have already done bob_v1.1 on vulnhub. Now let's do the Alfred machine on tryhackme, which is a comparatively easy level machine for the oscp practices. It's a windows based box. Let’s begin...
In the description, they are mentioning a story. I will add that story here.

My target machine's IP is published right now. which is first thing first, let's do a Nmap TCP scan. Because their first question is “How many ports are open?”.
nmap -sT -sV -oS nmap/tcp.basic
But As they mentioned in the description, They will block ICMP. So Let’s execute the below code to do all port scanning
>nmap -Pn -sS -p- -oS nmap/all_port.out — min-rate 10000

So there is a total of 3 TCP ports are running. Let’s enumerate those ports.
while enumerating all ports, I found a login panel on port 8080. So first of all I have tried admin: admin as credentials. It worked. So the second question is done. and we got the login panel access.